Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mindvalley: Pushing Humanity Forward

Where Did Mindvalley Come From?

I believe there's a general - and often cynical - view of corporations these days. It seems that the pursuit of the mighty dollar - and thus, greed - guides the directors of many large companies. It's unfortunate that the basic principles of life are ignored. The principles I'm specifically referring to are those of giving and receiving. It's very simple and it works, whether you believe it or not. The principle is simply stated as "You get what you give."

So when many corporations disregard the highest good of the people, they make profit at the expense of the consumer. Well, it's a comfort knowing that not all companies are like that. I recently came across a company who understands that the principles of life can be combined with the principles of business to create and develop a company who cares. That company is Mindvalley. Even the name is inspiring. Mindvalley's motto is "Pushing Humanity Forward" and that's exactly what they do...and all they do.

Vishen Lakhiani is the founder and CEO of Mindvalley. His goal was to form a company whose primary goal was to help people reach their Highest Good. His principles have reached out to many areas, including entrepreneurship, marketing, self-development, and anything else he can find that will help to move humanity towards a place of peace and joy. With a goal like that - always giving - it's no wonder that Vishen Lakhiani is now one of the most sought-after speakers on education and internet marketing. And globally, Mindvalley is now established in countries all over the world - Latin America, Poland, Russia, Italy and the Middle East. There's got to be something working well here, don't you think?

Mindvalley has attracted some very inspirational leaders in the world today. He's a master at creating and developing programs that offer highly effective ways of finding a better way; of becoming a better person; of reaching higher levels of enlightenment. Let's take a look at some of the programs that make Mindvalley so special.

Omharmonics: Meditation Music at its Most Effective Level

Omharmonics is a program that institutes highly technological meditation music, incorporating many principles that are way beyond my understanding. But I bought into the program, realizing that this is leading-edge technology and I didn't need to understand it to benefit from it. (And that was my first introduction to Mindvalley). I've garnered full benefit from the Omharmoncs recordings on CD.  Thousands of people use them every day to relax and relieve their stress and get back into the positive energy level that is their Natural State. You can check it out for yourself by clicking here.

The Silva Life System by Jose Silva

Hose Silva, although now deceased, left a legacy of mind empowerment programs. He started his career as a radio repairman. In his work, he dealt with the electrical principle of resistance. He knew that less resistance in an electrical wire allowed more electricity to flow through it. Then he had the idea that, "Why can't that principle be duplicated in the human being?" So he created and developed a program that allowed people, through relaxation techniques, to lower their resistance; that is, to reduce the level of stress and reach a place of peace that allowed deeper levels of intuition and ingenuity. This program has become known as The Silva System, and it's one of Mindvalley's most popular programs. 

Here are some links to the Silva Life System programs available from Mindvalley:

Silva Mind Body Healing

Silva Intuition System

More Awesome Mindvalley Programs to Benefit You

Mindvalley has a range of programs, all designed to enhance your lifestyle, and your life. Just as an aside here, I can tell you from experience, that if ever you need any kind of help with any of Mindvalley's programs, there's always a smiling happy face on the other end of the phone, waiting to cheerily help you in any way they can. What a wonderful change from some of the "customer service" departments at many corporations!

I'd like to introduce you to some of Mindvalley's other programs. They cover many areas that many people are discovering and exploring these days. It's obvious that there's a strong wave of positive energy that's reaching all around the world, seeing enlightenment and spiritual peace. All areas of advancement in life are being looked into, including visualization techniques, types of meditation, relaxation techniques, meditation music, and many other programs designed to help everyone lead a healthier, more joyful life. And Mindvalley has the best of the best! Here are some of their awesome programs you can take advantage of.

Quantum Jumping 2.0 - I've done's awesome!!

The Art of Astral Projection

And last, but definitely not least, Mindvalley's latest launch of a fabulous program that absolutely everybody needs to tie into, Unlimited Abundance

Mindvalley Cares

You can clearly see that Mindvalley is a company who cares. They care about people. They care about humanity as a whole, moving forward to a place of greater health and wealth and happiness for all. Their workplace is a fine example. They attract employees from literally all over the world - over 100 employees from more than 30 countries, actually. And Vishen Lakhiani travels around the world, showing by example what it's like to create and maintain the ideal workplace. I can honestly say that I've never been more impressed, in every way, than I am by Mindvalley. Check them out. I'm sure you'll feel the same way. 

And here's another bestseller suggestion: It's Already Created a Million Millionaires! Get Your Free Copy of Think and Grow Rich. Click here.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Louise Hay

Louise L. Hay: An Inspiration to Millions

Louise L. Hay is known worldwide for the inspirational coaching she gives to those in need. Her teachings are global. Her wisdom is eternal. Recently, someone in the Australian media described her as "the closest thing to a living saint". 

Louise Hay came from very humble beginnings, surviving a childhood of pain and abuse. That was probably the training grounds for her now world-famous philosophies. She learned to heal herself - not only her mind, but her body and spirit as well. She studied the connection of that trilogy of mind-body-spirit. She developed the concept of healing that incorporated all three aspects of our human selves. The mind, body and spirit are all inter-connected, and each one affects the other in a myriad of ways. From that wisdom, Louise Hay wrote her first book, sharing her full wellness concept with the world. That book, Heal Your Body, has now been translated into 25 languages and published in 33 countries around the world. It's become known by many as "the little blue book". But what tremendous power in a "little blue book"!

Recommended Reading

This handy “little blue book” offers positive new thought patterns to replace negative emotions. It includes an alphabetical chart of physical ailments, the probable causes, and healing affirmations to help you eliminate old patterns.

Louise Hay says You Can Heal Your Body

My interpretation of this book has manifested itself to me in a phrase I use all the time: "What you think directly affects your body." A great example of that is what Louise Hay was able to do with her own teachings. She cured cancer! She was diagnosed with cancer and, instead of following traditional medicine, she got some psychotherapy, added a solid program of nutritional cleansing, and topped it all off with some positive affirmations and visualization. And it worked! She came out of it with a clean bill of health. So many people these days have been touched in some way by cancer, so you should understand how powerful a program such as Louise Hay followed would be so beneficial to so many.

Recommended Reading

The connection between your mind and body is close, powerful, and often a valuable tool in taking control of your life and ambitions. The power of thought can affect you in profound ways, particularly in regards to its truly incredible effect on your health, explored in detail within these pages.

This fascinating book by cutting-edge scientist David R. Hamilton explores the power of visualization, belief, and positive thinking—and their effects on the body. He also presents a revolutionary quantum-field healing meditation—through which you can change yourself on an atomic level—and shows you how you can use your imagination and thought processes to combat disease, pain, and illness.

You will see how science and belief systems can merge . . . so that you can heal yourself more effectively than ever before!


HayHouse: Your Complete Source for Louise Hay Books 

Louise Hay started her publishing company in her living room. She was so successful that she's now expanded into a wonderful publishing company that offers all kinds of inspirational books, complete with Louise Hay Affirmations, Louise Hay Quotes, Hayhouse Radio, and a wide range of other helpful material to get you on the right track towards your Natural State of Well-Being. You can also find some other great world-renown authors there, like Esther and Jerry Hicks, Doreen Virtue, Neale Donald Walsch (one of my personal favorites), and Dr Wayne Dyer. Now THAT is a source of inspirational material, don't you think?

Now Louise Hay has expanded her teaching and wisdom, going from healing your mind and body, to healing your life. You see, it's all connected, and the more you get each aspect into perspective and running properly, the more everything else will fall into place. 

Recommended Reading

This New York Times Bestseller has sold over 30 million copies worldwide. Louise’s key message in this powerful work is: “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.” Louise explains how limiting beliefs and ideas are often the cause of illness, and how you can change your thinking…and improve the quality of your life! Packed with powerful information—you'll love this gem of a book! 


And here are some more bestsellers to help you out.


Louise Hay Branches Out into the Media

Well, I've given you a few Hay House books to read to help you get to where you want to be in life. But now, in this world of multi-media, Louise Hay has branched out into radio and movies.

Hayhouse Radio is very popular these days. It's filled with inspiration from motivational experts all around the world. You might well call it "wisdom radio" because that's what you'll impart from all the wonderful programs offered there.

Hay House, Inc. 468x60

And now, Louise Hay and Hay House offers you the ultimate in inspirational movies, You Can Heal Your Life: The Movie. Here's what Hay House has to say about the movie:

"Hay House is proud to announce the debut of the first-ever film on the life and work of our much-loved founder, Louise L. Hay in You Can Heal Your Life: The Movie!

This entertaining and inspirational movie hosted by best-selling author Louise L. Hay and directed by Emmy award winner Michael Goorjian gives penetrating insights into her fascinating life story; and also provides clarity on how her views on self-esteem, abundance, and the metaphysical causes behind physical ailments were developed. This expanded version includes over four hours of bonus material including 60 minutes of Interactive Teaching Affirmations and three hours of extended interviews.

A number of luminaries in the fields of self-help and health and spirituality and new thought—including Doreen Virtue, Gregg Braden, Wayne W. Dyer, Gay Hendricks, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Leon Nacson, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Candace B. Pert, Cheryl Richardson, Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz, and many others share their personal stories about Louise’s impact on their lives in You Can Heal Your Life, The Movie.

This movie, which is hosted by Louise, offers not only an intimate look into her moving and inspirational life story, but also a special segment devoted to helping you apply Louise’s affirmations and groundbreaking wisdom to heal your own life and the challenges that you face today.

This movie is the story of my life, my teachings and how I’ve applied the principles of my teachings to my own life. I’ve made enormous changes in my own life that I had no idea would be possible.
When asked what message she hoped people would take with them after seeing You Can Heal Your Life: The Movie, Louise said, “I’d like to see them discover what they can really do for themselves. People are so hungry to learn how to take control of their lives.” 

Music is composed by Grammy Award Winner Musician Jim Brickman.

When you order today, we’ll send you the You Can Heal Your Life: The Movie Expanded Version, which includes the original 90-minute movie AND an exclusive Affirmation Toolkit that will bring you practical, inspiring affirmations directly from Louise (covering topics of self, relationships, health and wellness, prosperity, and work) to practice, learn, and apply to your own life.

PLUS you’ll also receive an additional Bonus DVD brimming with 4 additional hours of never-before-seen footage from the making of this empowering film about the extraordinary life and wisdom of Louise Hay. You’ll enjoy hours of remarkable interviews featuring personal stories, astonishing testimonials, frank conversations, and amusing anecdotes by Louise, Wayne Dyer, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Gregg Braden, Doreen Virtue, Cheryl Richardson, Gay Hendricks, Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz, and Leon Nacson."

Watch the trailer at!

Louise Hay has your positive affirmations

So you can see the wonderful positive influence Louise Hay has had on many many lives all around the world. A "saint" she definitely is. I'm sure she'll go down in the history books right along with Mother Theresa. 

So if you're having trouble with some kind of illness, whether it be mental or physical, Louise Hay has the resources to help you. Her books and audios and videos are chock full of positive affirmations, and if you want to delve a little deeper, there are some positive spiritual affirmations. You'll find positive statements, positive attitude quotes, and all kinds of uplifting words of inspiration to help you along your way. Louise Hay is a saint. Be sure to make use of her wisdom and her inspiration, just as millions of others have already. 

Blessings Be.