Monday, October 28, 2013

Pajama Affiliates

Okay folks, it's time to lay the cards on the table. I'm going to give you some straight talk here, and it comes from the heart, with the sole (or soul) intention of helping you to manifest all of your dreams.

So many of us are stuck in the rut of our daily lives, as outlined by all the "sage advice" we received as we grew up. You know the stuff - grow up, meet the girl of your dreams, get an education, start a successful career, raise a family, buy a home, etc. etc. etc. Well, have we got to the point yet where we realize that all that etc. etc. etc. is just more yada, yada, yada? Have we finally realized that if we want what we want, then we have to change what we're doing? It should have become clear by now that, if you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting what you're getting. It's a fact of life!

If you follow sports, you'll know that when a team gets down and is losing, most times, the coach brings the players to practice and clearly states that we're "getting back to basics". And in life, what are the basics? For me, it's a desire (and if you want quick success, a burning desire) to do what you need to do to succeed. I've read many a book on how to succeed. There are thousands of them out there. But interestingly enough, if you've read as many of them as I have, you'll find that there's a common denominator throughout them all. And I believe that common denominator is commitment. When you commit to something - truly commit - then you decide that you're going to do it, no matter what. And that commitment is backed up by a burning desire. It doesn't matter if you have to stay up all night with your sick child. It doesn't matter if your car broke down and you have to take the bus to work. It doesn't matter if your boss is nagging at you to do a better job. All of those ting are superficial! They're not important! What's really important is that you focus on what you want and do whatever it takes to get there.

So, that brings me to where I am now and what I'm doing to manifest my dreams. I've been dabbling in affiliate marketing for a number of years now. I've bought a few courses and built a few websites and made a few dollars. But, really, it's never amounted to anything near what I expected or wanted. It just wasn't getting me to where I wanted to go; to where I wanted to be; indeed, to who I wanted to be. 

However, recently, I "just happened" (what I refer to as synchronicity, and you can read more about that on one of my other blog posts here) to come across a course in affiliate marketing that caught my eye, probably because it was offered by a Facebook friend, whom I've never met, but have garnered an insight into who she is through posts in the Intenders of the Highest Light group page on Facebook. Incidentally, if you're not familiar with this page, and all the writings and teachings of Tony Burroughs, the co-founder of this wonderfully inspiring group, check it out here.

So enter Robin Cockrell into my life. Robin Cockrell's story is one that inspired me greatly because she came from a life of desperation to a life of joy and abundance. The thing I like most about that is that she is an ordinary person, just like you and me. Yes, she's special, but she's no more special than all of us. After all, we're all special, in our own ways, aren't we? Robin has a very special program called Pajama Affiliates. I love that name because it paints such a great picture of getting out of bed and going downstairs, or down the hall, to your office, where you go about your business...and still in your pajamas! How many people would love to do that?! That's working from home. That's freedom! That's living your life on your schedule. That's earning whatever you want to earn, at whatever pace you decide. Isn't that what everybody ultimately wants? That's financial freedom - being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Aaahhh yes!

So the purpose of this post is to help you, because helping and giving is what I'm all about. I'd like to help you reach the levels of financial freedom that Robin has. Now, let's be honest here; I haven't quite got there yet. And I've been lacking some positive energy and motivation lately that's kept me away from the computer (except to play games and pass the time). But the point here is, getting back to that powerful word "commitment", if you commit to Robin's Pajama Affiliate program, and follow the simple step-by-step program she presents on her website, then you have all the tools to make your dreams come true. I've always said that, if you have the right tools, you can successfully complete any job, no matter what the extent of your knowledge. It's like McDonald's. They have a system in place that is easily duplicatable. You follow the system and everything comes out as it should. All the tools are there. That's true with any business. In fact, that's true with anything in life! I follow that system in my kitchen when I'm cooking. Follow the system - enjoy the results! Yeah, baby!

So I'm suggesting here that you take an open-minded look at Robin's Pajama Affiliates course. The cost is minimal, and absolutely worth it! I watch the posts on her Facebook group of those who invest in her course, and I see the numbers. There are people making money out there, and some are making big money! Now, of course, it'll take a while to get to the big money but, in the meantime, wouldn't an extra $100-$500 a month help out with that tight budget? Robin is a great example of the process - she didn't make any progress in her first year in affiliate marketing. But now, in her third year, as a single mother, she's bought her own house and is thriving. Isn't that a lovely word - thriving? It has a sense of success, of abundance, of freedom! Robin has all those! And the good news here is that you can do it too!

Pajama Affiliates isn't going to cost you a fortune. It isn't going to require hours and hours of work - just a few hours a week will do it. And as you progress, you'll find that you actually want to spend more time on it because the more time you spend, the more money you make. And you're doing this to make money, right? 

I have to honestly say that I've actually inspired myself, right here, right now, just in writing this blog, to spend more time and effort in my Pajama Affiliates program because I'd forgotten how powerful this tool is in providing me with all I want in my life. Remember, all it takes is a commitment to be the best you can be, for you, and for your family.

Okay, that's all I have to say. Now, listen to what Robin has to say about what she has to offer and what she can do to help you change your life for the better. Think about it - financial independence! Doesn't that have a wonderful ring? Isn't that what everybody strives for? Wouldn't you like that for you, for your family? Dump the boss. Dump the job. Dump the nine to five. THIS is the solution to your worries! THIS is the path to financial freedom. Do you want it? Then GO for it! Here's Robin: (Click on the link)

And remember, it's not about what Robin does or what I do. It's about what you do! You control your life. You control your income. You. Only you! So remind yourself of the old - and very wise - saying: if it's to be, it's up to me. Yes you can! Enjoy your new-found success and financial freedom!


  1. This post is incredible!! As a fellow Pajama Affiliate, I completely agree!!!
