Sunday, March 31, 2013

Laws of Attraction

Universal Laws

Everyone these days is looking for the laws of attraction. Laws of attraction are universal laws. And everyone knows what universal laws are, right? They're those laws that work, whether you believe them or not. Case in point, the law of gravity. You can jump off the top of a building as you proclaim, "I don't believe in the law of attraction!..........." But that doesn't prevent you from falling, does it? Well, it's just as true with all universal laws. And these days, the Law of Attraction is really in the spotlight.

Why are the laws of attraction so important these days? Because people are joining a universal awakening, and realizing that they have Divine Power to get what they want. (For more on getting what you want, check out my blog: How to Get What You Want.)

Almost everyone these days has heard of Abraham Hicks. And if you've heard of them, you're probably familiar with the wonderfully inspiring teachings of Esther and Jerry Hicks, in association with Abraham. The way I understand it, Abraham is a spirit who channels wisdom through Esther Hicks - thus the name Abraham Hicks. Esther and Jerry have written a number of books based on the Laws of Attraction. Actually, I guess you could say there's only one Law of Attraction and, as stated by Abraham Hicks,  it goes like this: "That which is likened to itself is drawn." That is a Universal Law, and there's no doubting it. Of course, you have the option of doubting if it you choose. But then you'll be left wondering why you're not getting what you want.

Here's a program by another expert in the field of the Law of Attraction, Joe Vitale. Joe Vitale isn't called "Mr Fire" for no reason. He really knows how to kindle the fire of desire in you. To check out his abundance program, click here! You'll also benefit tremendously if you read "Ask and It Is Given". Notice that this is "The Teachings of Abraham", channeled and expressed through Esther Hicks.

What is the Law of Attraction?

So everybody wants to know, "What is the Law of Attraction". Doesn't that tell you that there's a huge void in our lives - in the world? What's wrong if everybody is always looking for more? To me, that just means that, individually, we have voids in our lives. And those voids don't come from materialism (at least, for more of us). The real voids are in our hearts, where we've forgotten how to fill those empty spaces. So we just have to return to the Universal Law. 

All we need to do, as individuals, is to understand what is the Law of Attraction. Once we figure that out, our lives - and the world - will become complete. Our lives will be filled with joy and abundance. Everyone will understand the Law of Attraction and have the ability and faith to make it work for them...and for those around them. And that's what we all want, right?

Here are a couple of programs that will help you break down your walls, unlock your doors, and allow the flow of abundance to enter your world.

Attractor Genie - Law Of Attraction Software

The Forgotten Laws

I Create Reality: Beyond Visualization

Universal Law

Getting back to Abraham Hicks and Universal Law, the Law of Attraction is one of those laws that you need to understand because, remember, Universal Laws work, whether you believe them or not. But it's in the understanding of the laws that the rewards come. Just imagine, if you had the power to manifest all your desires. The beautiful thing about that thought is that it's true! You do have the power to bring all your dreams to fruition. It's all in the understanding, and then, in the implementing of the principles set out in the education available from all the experts in the Law of Attraction. 

And speaking of all those principles, that was all introduced to the world (well, media-wise, because the principles have existed forever), in the introduction of "The Secret". That video and book was a wake-up call, an inspiration, to millions of people around the world. People began to realize that they actually did have the power to get what they want. And so they watched The Secret, they bought the book, they listened to the experts. And so many people around the world have benefited from the wisdom offered by this wonderful program. 

If you're one of the few people who haven't yet enjoyed the experience of The Secret, don't let this opportunity pass you by.


Make Use of the Principles of the Law of Attraction...and Reap the Rewards

So I've given you a few resources to get in touch with, and benefit from, the Law of Attraction. It's really not rocket science, as they say. Just follow the teachings of the experts and you'll get to where you want to go. To help you along, here's one of hundreds of videos available on YouTube, with the coaching of Abraham Hicks. I just love listening to Esther as she, in her humorous and casual way, imparts the wisdom of the Law of Attraction. 

So now you have all the resources you need to begin manifesting all your desires. Get to it! What's holding you back? What's stopping you? Only you! Only you can stop the attraction of all you want. You have full control. You're in the driver's seat. You're piloting the plane. You in charge! Make use of all the wonderful principles of the Laws of Attraction and all will be yours. Promise!

And here's another bestseller suggestion: It's Already Created a Million Millionaires! Get Your Free Copy of Think and Grow Rich. Click here.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Feelings...such a diverse word. So many aspects involved, ranging from the very negative to the very positive, and everything in between. So today, I'd like to talk a bit about feelings, and how they can make or break you, and how to control your feelings and emotions.

First, we'll get technical and give you the dictionary meaning. Feelings and emotions are intertwined. Merriam -Webster defines feelings  as: "a : an emotional state or reaction; b : the overall quality of one's awareness; and c : conscious recognition". Emotions are defined as: "a conscious mental reaction (as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body".

What really jumps out at me from the definition of emotions is how emotions are manifested in your body. Feelings and emotions release chemicals in your body that, if negative, can create illness. And that's because illness is actually just dis-ease - a lack of ease in the mind.

So with that in mind, lets go back to the definition of feelings. Notice the "conscious recognition" part. That means that you're aware of your feelings. Of course you are. Aren't we all? And that's why it's so important to know how to control your emotions. I've always viewed feelings and emotions as a meter of how you either react or respond to your daily challenges. And, yes, most of us have daily challenges, don't we? But those are only opportunities to learn and progress closer to Who We Really Are. 

How to Control your Emotions and Feelings

So let's look at the kind of situations that affect your feelings throughout your day. For me, I love music. I've been a musician - very amateur, but a musician nonetheless - most of my life. When I feel bad, I love to listen to music. Here's an example of a wonderful video that I love so much. Not only do I really love the recording, but the pictures and messages that accompany it bring me so much enjoyment. Now that's what feeling good is all about!

So there's one example of how you might channel your feelings toward a more positive level. Perhaps you have feeling words. By that, I mean words that make you feel good. You should always have a repertoire of feeling words at the ready for when you have to work towards controlling your emotions. Make your list. Keep it handy. Some examples of feeling words, for me, are: joy, sunshine, laughter, love - especially love. Bring those words to mind when you need to raise your level of vibration and emotion.

I'm no expert on feelings and emotions. I just know what works for me, and in sharing it with you, I hope that it can work for you, too. Joyce Meyer is a recognized expert on the subject, and she has a great book titled Managing your Emotions. If you think that might help you, you can get a copy here. She's also written a similar book which might help you: 
Living Beyond Your Feelings: Controlling Emotions So They Don't Control You

How to Make your Feelings Work for You

Putting your feelings to work for you is really a simple process. When you're in control of your feelings, you're riding high on the wave of life and love. And love is the most important and beneficial feeling you can possibly have. When you're feeling love, you're connected to your Source. You're in touch with your Soul. You're Being Who You Are. And that's all that really matters. Nothing that happens to you matters more than you feeling love. That's the remedy that will cure all your woes. 

Here's a thought that might help you. Think about what you do when you're met with a situation that you might automatically consider negative. Do you react, or do you respond? The difference I see in the two is that when you react, you do so unconsciously and that usually manifests itself as negative emotion, like anger, depression, and so forth. But when you respond, you do so with control of your feelings. You're able to look at the situation from an objective point of view and respond with a conscious positive thought that will produce positive results. Perhaps that might sound idealistic to you, but here's what I found. The more you respond instead of react, the better you'll get at it until, finally, you'll find that it becomes second nature. And isn't that something that everyone wants - to be in control of your feelings - automatically?

So the bottom line for me is, approach life with love. That's the feeling that will answer all negative situations. It's always been said that love conquers all and there's a very good reason for that - it's true! And "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free." Enjoy that freedom. Enjoy your positive feelings. Just enjoy!

And I'm going to leave you with another positive, uplifting song to bring you some more good feelings. And remember to take those feelings with you into your daily activities. And, again, enjoy!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Unlimited Abundance

Everyone wants unlimited abundance, don't they? So why doesn't everyone have it? There are a number of reasons for that. From my perspective, I believe that most people who's abundance hasn't reached them yet are, in one way or another, blocking it. And it's our thoughts that build those walls. Our thoughts are the building blocks of our future. As mentioned last week, if you're not getting what you want, then you need to start focusing on the vision of having it, instead of the apparent lack of it.

So think back on, say, the last 30 years. What direction has your life taken in the last 30 years? And not just yourself, but have you ever stopped and wondered what progress society has made in the last 30 years?

If you've tuned into the news lately, you already know the answer is disappointing.  It turns out that we’re actually worse off now than we were 30 years ago.

So it's natural to wonder - what changed? Part of the problem is all the talk of cut-backs and recession in the media over the past few years.

You see, when you're surrounded by that kind of negativity, it's very hard not to internalize it... And your subconscious naturally reacts by telling you to focus your energy on keeping what you have now instead of on what you might achieve.

But here’s the truth, ladies and gentlemen.

You ARE able to attract the life you desire – the paycheck, the house, the promotion – and getting it has nothing to do with your education, intelligence or luck...

>>> And this video will tell you how :-)

It’s from Vishen Lakhiani, the founder of the personal growth publisher company Mindvalley. He has a few very important questions to ask you about your current mindset and how it may be influencing your ability to manifest more abundance in your life. 

Together, we’re going to try and help you attract the wealth and abundance you deserve in 2013.

But this isn’t going to be some preachy sermon on the do’s and don’ts of attracting abundance – the results from this survey will go directly into creating a free webinar to give you practical advice on how to make next year your most successful ever.

>>> Click here to get the ball rolling on your 2013. 

And here's another bestseller suggestion: It's Already Created a Million Millionaires! Get Your Free Copy of Think and Grow Rich. Click here.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

How To Get What You Want

There's a question on many minds these days - how to get what you want. Most people are driven to succeed. Most people are continually searching for what they want. You look high and low. You work for it. You pray for it. You beg for it. You do whatever you can to get what you want. But somehow, it's not working. And that's because, when it comes to trying to figure out how to get what you want, most people are looking in the wrong place.

So where should you be looking? Within, of course. I'll remind you of one of my favorite sayings by Neale Donald Walsch: "If you don't go within, you go without." "So", you may be asking, "how can everything I want be inside of me?" Well, that's because you are an individual part of the Divine Whole, and that Whole - that Universe, that God, or whatever name you want to put to it - is infinite and eternal. Everything that could ever possibly exist, exists on that plane. It's what I like to call The Realm of Everything you Want.

Recommended Reading:

How To Get Everything You Want

How many people ever really get everything they want? Do you know how to get everything you want? Okay, so we've established that you have to go inside. And the reason you do that is to raise your vibrational level to that of what you want. What you want already exists. It just exists on a higher vibrational level than your thoughts about what you want. So the solution is simple. It may not be easy. In fact, it can take a lot of work - a lot of positive thoughts and emotions and feelings. But don't you think it's worth it? Wouldn't you just love to have everything you want? Wouldn't your life look a lot different? Think about it. Think about what you want. Think about everything you want. For the more you think about what you want and focus on those things, the closer you're going to come to them.

There are a few things you can do, specifically, when you're working towards finding out how to get everything you want. I've just mentioned one of the most important ones - focus. But don't forget to add the feeling along with that. The feelings you have when you're picturing yourself having everything you want are the catalyst that sets the Universe in motion. Feelings and thoughts are energy. And when you're vibrating at a high level of energy with positive affirmative thoughts, then you're aligning yourself with the energy of everything you want. 

Now add daily - or hourly if you want - affirmations. Write down what you want. Then read it, at least every morning and every night. Keep it fresh in your mind. Especially think of it as you go to sleep because your subconscious mind is working away as you sleep, and it's working on what you had on your mind as you drifted off to sleep. Remember that, every night, because it's a powerful tool that's at your disposal when you're learning how to get everything you want.

Recommended Reading:

How To Get What You Want in Life

So we're working on how to get what you want in life. You have the vision of it. And you're focusing on it. You're reading your daily affirmations. And slowly at first, things begin to manifest. And when that happens, the ball starts rolling. You start feeling better about yourself. You start to gain confidence in your ability to get what you want. And the more you get what you want, the better you feel - and the higher you vibrate. And that just keeps the ball rolling even faster. You become what my good friend, Tony Burroughs calls, a Mighty Manifester. Speaking of Tony Burroughs, he's got a great book that'll help you to get what you want. Check it out: Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions.

Now you're all set. Now you know how to get what you want in life. You know how to get everything you want in life. It's not rocket science - but it is science. There's a lot of research and study going on these days in the field of The Law of Attraction and how to get what you want. The experts are realizing that the mind has huge potential. The mind has tremendous power that can be used to get what you want. But don't forget to add the heart and soul to your requests. Remember, that's the catalyst.

So be all you want to be. Get everything you want to get. And go out into the world and share what you have. I'll touch more on sharing next week. Until then, happy manifesting!

Recommended Reading:

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Synchronicity Stories

How to Define Synchronicity
Carl Jung and Synchronicity

How do you define synchronicity?  It’s a big word. I've met some who've never heard of it before.  So if you happen to be one of those, let’s get you out of the dark here. Merriam-Webster states that the definition of synchronicity is:

“the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (as similar   thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality —used especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung”

C. G. Jung, or Carl Jung, was a Swiss psychologist who founded the concept of analytical psychology. Carl Jung and synchronicity are often linked, because he had a theory of synchronicity, which revolved around a term he created: the collective unconscious. Now, I’m no psychologist – far from it, really. So I can’t go into all the deep details about Carl Jung on synchronicity. If you're interested in getting more in-depth information, check out this book. Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. (From Vol. 8. of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung) (New in Paper) (Bollingen Series XX: the Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 8) For now, suffice it to say that, the concept and theory of synchronicity gives us the foundation to believe in what many would call coincidences or miracles.

Recommended Reading: 

What are your synchronicities?
What’s your Aha moment?

What are your synchronicities? We've all had them, haven’t we? A little Aha moment – or some big “Aha!” moments – when everything seems to fall into place – when, where and how we least expected. Sometimes, they’ll cause your jaw to drop as you look into the eyes of another person involved, and see the same expression on their face, too. “Wow! Did that really happen?” you ask with incredulity. Aren't those exciting moments? Don’t they just lift you up and allow you to see the world in a different way? Well, those are synchronicities! Those are the things that you've been asking for in your life which have been presented to you at just the right time. As a little aside here, we need to remember that the intricate network of synchronicities that’s being arranged at every moment has to be orchestrated at just the right time, in conjunction and coordination with everyone else’s synchronicities. So that’s why sometimes we don’t get what we want when we think it should come, but when it’s best for the Highest Good of All.

So that’s why I've decided to write a book of synchronicity stories. Coincidentally enough, the title is “Synchronicity Stories”. It’s a compilation of synchronicity stories, and it begins with my own story – a rags-to-riches story. Not of the financial kind, but of the spiritual kind. And all the synchronicities that occurred along the way were so fulfilling that I just felt a need to share them with you. I want to illustrate by example that all goodness comes to you when you’re in tune with the Universe, no matter what your starting point. And that’s why I’m asking you, “What are your synchronicity stories?”

Recommended Reading:

Send Me Your Synchronicity Stories
Have your synchronicity stories published in my book

I’m sure it’s not only me who’s experiencing all these wonderful synchronistic moments. You must have some stories of your own. And perhaps you feel like I do and you’d like to share them with the world in the hope of inspiring somebody and helping them deal with a challenge. So I’m hereby inviting anybody and everybody to submit their own synchronicity stories. From these, my wish is that everybody gains an understanding of the Power of the Universe, the Power of your Mind, and the wonderful joy and rewards that can come to you when you’re synchronized with All That Is. Think of it as being in the model of the wonderful and inspirational Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

And if, after reading this book, you feel inspired to share your own synchronicity story, you may submit it to me at I’d love to share your story with others and inspire them, too. And that way, you’ll have many follow-up volumes to read and share with your family and friends. I hope you enjoy this book and find inspiration in it. And I hope it will really define synchronicity for you, and for your life. That’s my purpose. Namaste

More Synchronicity Programs:

Neurovector Organic Brainwave Synchronizer