How to Define
Carl Jung and Synchronicity
How do you define synchronicity? It’s a big word. I've met some who've never
heard of it before. So if you happen to
be one of those, let’s get you out of the dark here. Merriam-Webster states
that the definition of synchronicity is:
coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (as
similar thoughts in widely separated
persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem
related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality —used
especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung”
C. G. Jung, or Carl Jung, was a Swiss psychologist who
founded the concept of analytical psychology. Carl Jung and synchronicity are
often linked, because he had a theory of synchronicity, which revolved around a
term he created: the collective unconscious. Now, I’m no psychologist – far
from it, really. So I can’t go into all the deep details about Carl Jung on
synchronicity. If you're interested in getting more in-depth information, check out this book. Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. (From Vol. 8. of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung) (New in Paper) (Bollingen Series XX: the Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 8)
For now, suffice it to say that, the concept and theory of synchronicity gives us the
foundation to believe in what many would call coincidences or miracles.
Recommended Reading:
What are your
What’s your Aha moment?
What are your synchronicities? We've all had them, haven’t
we? A little Aha moment – or some big “Aha!” moments – when everything seems to
fall into place – when, where and how we least expected. Sometimes, they’ll
cause your jaw to drop as you look into the eyes of another person involved,
and see the same expression on their face, too. “Wow! Did that really happen?”
you ask with incredulity. Aren't those exciting moments? Don’t they just lift
you up and allow you to see the world in a different way? Well, those are
synchronicities! Those are the things that you've been asking for in your life
which have been presented to you at just the right time. As a little aside
here, we need to remember that the intricate network of synchronicities that’s
being arranged at every moment has to be orchestrated at just the right time,
in conjunction and coordination with everyone else’s synchronicities. So that’s
why sometimes we don’t get what we want when we think it should come, but when it’s best for the Highest Good of
So that’s why I've decided to write a book of synchronicity
stories. Coincidentally enough, the title is “Synchronicity Stories”. It’s a
compilation of synchronicity stories, and it begins with my own story – a rags-to-riches
story. Not of the financial kind, but of the spiritual kind. And all the
synchronicities that occurred along the way were so fulfilling that I just felt
a need to share them with you. I want to illustrate by example that all
goodness comes to you when you’re in tune with the Universe, no matter what
your starting point. And that’s why I’m asking you, “What are your
synchronicity stories?”
Recommended Reading:
Send Me Your Synchronicity Stories
Have your synchronicity stories published in my book
I’m sure it’s not only me who’s experiencing all these
wonderful synchronistic moments. You must have some stories of your own. And
perhaps you feel like I do and you’d like to share them with the world in the
hope of inspiring somebody and helping them deal with a challenge. So I’m
hereby inviting anybody and everybody to submit their own synchronicity
stories. From these, my wish is that everybody gains an understanding of the
Power of the Universe, the Power of your Mind, and the wonderful joy and
rewards that can come to you when you’re synchronized with All That Is. Think
of it as being in the model of the wonderful and inspirational Chicken Soup for
the Soul series.
And if, after reading this book, you feel inspired to share
your own synchronicity story, you may submit it to me at I’d love
to share your story with others and inspire them, too. And that way, you’ll
have many follow-up volumes to read and share with your family and friends. I hope
you enjoy this book and find inspiration in it. And I hope it will really
define synchronicity for you, and for your life. That’s my purpose. Namaste
Neurovector Organic Brainwave Synchronizer
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