Everyone wants unlimited abundance, don't they? So why doesn't everyone have it? There are a number of reasons for that. From my perspective, I believe that most people who's abundance hasn't reached them yet are, in one way or another, blocking it. And it's our thoughts that build those walls. Our thoughts are the building blocks of our future. As mentioned last week, if you're not getting what you want, then you need to start focusing on the vision of having it, instead of the apparent lack of it.
So think back on, say, the last 30 years. What direction has your life taken in the last 30 years? And not just yourself, but have you ever stopped and wondered what progress society has made in the last 30 years?
If you've tuned into the news lately, you already know the answer is disappointing. It turns out that we’re actually worse off now than we were 30 years ago.
So it's natural to wonder - what changed? Part of the problem is all the talk of cut-backs and recession in the media over the past few years.
You see, when you're surrounded by that kind of negativity, it's very hard not to internalize it... And your subconscious naturally reacts by telling you to focus your energy on keeping what you have now instead of on what you might achieve.
But here’s the truth, ladies and gentlemen.
You ARE able to attract the life you desire – the paycheck, the house, the promotion – and getting it has nothing to do with your education, intelligence or luck...
>>> And this video will tell you how :-)
It’s from Vishen Lakhiani, the founder of the personal growth publisher company Mindvalley. He has a few very important questions to ask you about your current mindset and how it may be influencing your ability to manifest more abundance in your life.
Together, we’re going to try and help you attract the wealth and abundance you deserve in 2013.
But this isn’t going to be some preachy sermon on the do’s and don’ts of attracting abundance – the results from this survey will go directly into creating a free webinar to give you practical advice on how to make next year your most successful ever.
>>> Click here to get the ball rolling on your 2013.
And here's another bestseller suggestion: It's Already Created a Million Millionaires! Get Your Free Copy of Think and Grow Rich. Click here.
And here's another bestseller suggestion: It's Already Created a Million Millionaires! Get Your Free Copy of Think and Grow Rich. Click here.
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